There are many ways in which we help our clients beyond training courses. If you’re looking at our website and thinking “there’s something I need help with, but there isn’t a service that matches it…” then why not give us a call to discuss it?

A new, unbiased, set of ears
When you’re too close to something, it’s easy to lose perspective. Been working on a pitch or a speech for a while? Sometimes we get attached to our creation and lose touch with the desired outcome in our audience. A fresh set of ears can help you to edit, hone, sharpen and improve your talk.
An external voice
In an ideal world, our colleagues would always listen to us when we had a point to make. They would be able to put their own thoughts on pause for a moment and take in what we’re saying. Often though, that ideal world just isn’t a reality.
Sometimes it helps to have an external voice to come in and say what you want to say. Somehow when an outsider says it, it carries more weight and the message can get through. If you have colleagues / subordinates / bosses who just won’t listen, perhaps we can help.
Writing Pitches / Presentations
Perhaps you don’t have the time, or the inclination to write it yourself. Or perhaps you recognise that sometimes it pays to hire a specialist to do the work. We understand that finding dedicated time and attention can be a challenge with all the other things on your plate.
Sales Pitch / Investment Pitch Reviews
Would you like an objective assessment of your pitch? Honest and constructive feedback that will boost your confidence rather than the ‘helpful criticism’ of colleagues just telling you what they think you did wrong?
Is your sales team presenting the best image of your company? Are they convincing and persuasive?
Presentation Review
Would you like an objective assessment of your presentation? Honest and constructive feedback can boost your confidence in a way that the ‘helpful criticism’ of colleagues just can’t. Try our online service for a quick turnaround.
Slide Design
Wish your slides were better looking and reflected your company’s image the way you want? You could hire a graphic designer – the trouble is that they don’t give presentations! They usually produce something that looks great in the mock-ups, but is hard to use or doesn’t look good when it’s got real presentation material in it. We can work on a design for you that fits with your branding, or work with your graphic designers to ensure that you end up with something that’s actually useful!
You might want to have some good looking ‘standard’ reference slides for common material that lots of people in your company use. We can help!
Conference Room and Presentation Theatre Design
It’s the details that matter, and as experienced presenters we know what they are. We’re not pretending to be architects. But we can help you with input into proposed designs to ensure that you end up with a great room. We have independent partners who have project managed the production of some of the most amazing presentation theatres, Video Conferencing rooms, and remote collaboration spaces. If attention to detail matters to you, get in touch and we’ll hook you up!
Start a conversation with us about your needs. You can call us on 01865 965035, email us at enquiries@ or fill in the form below to have us call you back.